Each person plays many roles in life. Your roles may include being a:
- spouse, parent, sibling, grandparent, or friend
- student, volunteer, employee, or employer
After a stroke, it is normal to question whether you will be able to fulfill these roles again. You may wonder if you will be able to take part in your usual activities and support your family as you did before.
The stroke will also have an impact on your family. As your role changes, the roles of family members may need to change too.
With time, your daily routines and life roles will adjust to suit your strengths and abilities.
If you are having difficulty adjusting, it can help to talk to:
- your health care team
- other people living with stroke and their families
- a therapist
Having read the information in this section, consider the following
- Has there been a change in my day-to-day roles since my stroke (for example: taking care of my children, doing things around the house or at work)?
- Do I need to learn new strategies and skills to manage day-to-day?
- If I have a pet, am I still able to take care of it?
- Have my relationships with my partner, children, family or friends changed?
- Is there someone I can talk to about these changes if I need to?
- Can I continue to take part in spiritual/faith-based activities?
- Is the place of worship I attend accessible?