Getting back into life

Stroke may change your roles, family balance and dynamics.

Stroke affects each person in different ways. Stroke may change your roles, family balance and dynamics. Adjusting to these changes will take time. It is normal for you and your family to feel grief, sadness, anger, fear and frustration. However, many people will continue to improve, often over a number of years, after a stroke.

Recovery is about getting back to meaningful activities and living as independently as possible within your abilities. Working with your family and health care team to manage the changes in roles, relationships, and activities can help you to enjoy life to its fullest.

If you feel that there are areas that you would like to further improve, private therapy may be an option for you. If you need more information, speak to your rehabilitation team.

“I have the drive and the motivation to go back to the way my life use to be. It may frustrate me because of the fact that it may not happen right away but I have the drive, let’s say a year from now to be driving, to be moving around like normal, be back to do my own lawn care, be back to do my own stuff at home.”

Mr. J, age 65

Click on any of the sections below to learn more about areas that may be important to you for getting back into life.

Life Roles

Life roles

Each person plays many roles in life.

Social support

Social support and activities

Recovery is about getting back to meaningful activities and living as independently as possible.

Sex and intimacy

Sex and intimacy

Stroke can change your body. It can also change the way you feel about yourself.

Driving after stroke

Driving after stroke

Being able to drive again is important for many people after a stroke.

Returning to work

Return to work

How do I know if I am ready to return to work?


Travelling after stroke

Everyone needs a holiday! It is good for your mind and body to rest and relax!

Staying Safe Outdoors

Staying safe outdoors

I love being outdoors. What can I do to stay safe outside?

Family life

Family life

After a stroke, your life roles and relationships may change.