My Health

My Health

These questions help you understand important areas of health after a stroke. The questions are divided into medical health (for example: tests and medication), good health (for example: managing risk factors like high blood pressure). and mental health (for example: check if we are feeling sad or worried)

  1. Read through the questions for you and your caregiver.  You can also ask someone to read them with you. 
  2. Think about the questions you do not have the answers to.
  3. Write down the steps you will take to find the answers, such as asking your health care team or those around you.
  4. Download and/or print the questions and answers using the download button. To save your responses, select “Print to PDF” as the print option.
  5. Think about other questions you have and write them down.
  6. Review other sections when you are ready. 


Understanding Stroke

Print or download these questions by clicking here

Do I know what the symptoms of a stroke are?

Do I know what to do if I think I am having a stroke?

Do I know what kind of stroke I had?

Do I know what caused my stroke?

Do I know my risk factors for a stroke?

Do I know how to lower my risk for another stroke?

Do I have a plan in place if I have an emergency?


Print or download these questions by clicking here

Do I know the types of tests the doctor has ordered?

Do I know why I need the tests?

Do I understand the results of the tests I have had?

Are there any other tests I think I need?


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Do I have the list of medications I need to take?

Do I know how each medication helps me?

Do I know how my medications interact with one another and/or with the food I eat?

Do I know how and when to take each medication (for example: with meals, injection, or crushed)?

Do I need reminders to take my medication?

Do I need a way to organize the medications I take (for example: a blister pack or pill organizers)?

Does the pharmacy I use deliver medications to the home?

Advance Care Planning

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Are my care wishes written down (living will) and/or known by my family/loved ones?

Have I legally named a Power of Attorney for personal care and property?

Do I have a will?

Do my loved ones know where my important documents are located (e.g. Power of Attorney, living will)?

Good Health

Atrial Fibrillation

Print or download these questions by clicking here

Do I have symptoms of atrial fibrillation?

Do I need to be tested for atrial fibrillation?

Do I know what my medications are to manage my atrial fibrillation?

Do I know how exercise affects my atrial fibrillation?

Do I know who to speak with about atrial fibrillation?

Blood Pressure

Print or download these questions by clicking here

Do I know what my target blood pressure should be?

Do I know how often my blood pressure should be checked?

Do I know what I can do to control high blood pressure?

Do I know how exercise affects my blood pressure?

Do I know what foods will affect my blood pressure?

Do I know what my daily sodium (salt) limit should be?

Do I know if I should be on blood pressure medication?

Do I have a way to check my blood pressure (for example: my own blood pressure machine or ones at the pharmacy)?


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Do I know what my cholesterol levels should be?

Do I know what makes my cholesterol levels go up?

Do I know what I can do to lower my cholesterol levels?

Should I be taking medication to lower my cholesterol?

Do I know who to speak with about my cholesterol levels?


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What should my blood sugar targets be?

Do I know how to check my blood sugars and how often I should be checking them (for example: use glucometer kit)?

Do I know what medications I should be taking to control my blood sugars and when to take them?

Do I know how to control my blood sugar levels?

Do I know what to do if my blood sugar level gets too low or too high?

Do I know what can cause high or low blood sugars?

Am I cooking and eating the right foods to manage my blood sugars?

Do I know who to speak with about my blood sugar levels?

Healthy Eating

Print or download these questions by clicking here

Do I need to change the way I eat to help prevent another stroke?

Do I know what a well-balanced meal is?

Do I eat well-balanced meals?

Do I know how to prepare healthy meals?

Do I need help preparing my meals?

Healthy Weight

Print or download these questions by clicking here

Do I know what a healthy weight is for me?

Do I know how to lose weight if I need to?

Do I know how to gain weight if I need to?

Do I have a plan for how best to get to a healthy weight?


Print or download these questions by clicking here

Am I getting enough exercise?

Am I doing exercises that are safe for me?

Do I need help so the exercises I enjoy are safer to do?

Do I know where to find exercise programs that are right for me?


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Do I know how alcohol can increase my risk of stroke?

Is it safe to drink alcohol if I am taking medication?

Do I need help managing how much alcohol I drink?

Being Smoke Free

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Do I know why smoking increases my risk of stroke?

Am I ready to quit smoking?

Do I have the support I need to continue being smoke-free?

Do I know where to find help to stop smoking?

Sleep Apnea

Print or download these questions by clicking here

Has anyone ever told me that I stop breathing or gasp when I am asleep?

Do I always feel tired or doze off during the day?

Do I know who to talk to about getting tested for sleep apnea?

Do I know what treatment is best for me to manage sleep apnea?

Mental Health


Print or download these questions by clicking here

Have I lost interest in things I used to enjoy?

Have I noticed any changes in my mood, how I act or behave?

Am I sleeping more than usual or have trouble sleeping?

Am I easily irritable or frustrated?

Do I feel less motivated or interested in doing things?

Has my appetite changed?

Do I have difficulty concentrating?

Do I feel alone, angry, scared or hopeless?

Have I had thoughts about ending my life?

Do I know where to get help if I answered ‘yes’ to any of the questions above?

Managing the Effects of Stroke

Cognition and Perception

Print or download these questions by clicking here

Do I have trouble with my memory?

Can I focus and think clearly?

Can I make sense of what I see around me?

Do I know what strategies to use for my memory?

Do I need any memory aids?

Do I know what strategies to use to see and find things better?

Do I need any visual aids?

Do I know where to find help if I'm not coping with these changes?


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Does pain limit or stop me from doing the things I need or like to do?

Do I know what to do if my pain is causing other problems (for example: anxiety, poor appetite, mobility, memory problems, sleep issues)?

Do I know what to do if my pain gets worse, is more frequent, or lasts longer?

If I have pain, do I know what medications I can take?

Fatigue and Sleep

Print or download these questions by clicking here

Do I have trouble sleeping?

Am I worried, anxious or is my mind racing when I am trying to rest?

Am I too tired to do the things I need to do or enjoy?

Do I know what I can do to sleep better?

Swallowing Difficulties

Print or download these questions by clicking here

Do I have trouble chewing or swallowing?

Do I know ways to be safe when eating (for example: sitting up, clearing food from mouth)?

Do I need food softened, minced or pureed so I can swallow safely?

Do I need drinks thickened so I can swallow safely?

If I have a feeding tube, do I know how to manage it?

For the caregiver: Do I know how to help my loved one if they need help with any of the above?

Aphasia and Communication

Print or download these questions by clicking here

Can I communicate my needs and wishes so that I am understood?

Can my family and friends communicate with me?

Do I know how to tell people that I have difficulty communicating?

Can I join in on social situations?

Do I need any supports to help me communicate (for example: a computer, communication board, aphasia group)?

Questions to ask yourself in your recovery

As you re-engage in your community, there may be things you need to consider. Click on any image for questions that can help you think about what you need during your recovery.

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